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Hero image advice Avoid copyright infringement as a freelancer
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How to avoid copyright infringement as a freelancer

9 minutes

What is Copyright?

Copyright is one of the four areas of intellectual property, and covers the expression of an idea. This means it covers a wide range of material, including writing, music, art and more. And while you might associate it with novels or classic songs, it’s equally applicable to technical reports or instruction manuals. And to fonts or design assets, as much as a famous painting or sculpture.

It’s an automatic right, and does not need any kind of registration. In UK law, copyright protection can last up to 70 years from a specific date, usually either the death of the creator, or first publication. And it’s usually assigned to the person who created the work, unless it’s signed over as part of an employment contract.

As an alternative to selling their copyright ownership, creators can also choose to licence their work for use by others.

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How do people accidentally commit copyright infringement?

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Where to find help if you're accused of copyright infringement

Image block advice 3 Avoid copyright infringement as a freelancer

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