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Hero advice desk 2
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How social media can benefit your self-employed wellbeing

Social networks have faced growing and justified criticism for various aspects of how they’re designed and operated. And in some freelance sectors, using them is a requirement of your job. But is it possible to get positives from using social media, even despite the potential for downsides?

13.5 minutes

How to define your plan and boundaries

  • Set objectives and time limits for your social media use, whether it’s for work purposes or catching up with people.
  • Turn off notifications as much as possible, and use a third-party app if you want to share content without ever being distracted by the interface of any social network.
  • Try to avoid screen time for 30 minutes or more before bed, and keep your phone away from where you sleep to get better rest without interruptions.
  • Use scheduling to avoid interrupting your day every time you feel the need to post something.
  • Don’t be afraid to take breaks if you need them. Anything urgent will reach you via other routes, and everyone will still be there when, or if, you choose to return.
Advice computer

Staying in control of your social media and wellbeing

How can freelancing and self-employment benefit your health

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